
Frase Principal

Donations and contributions to Filadelfia JV

“May God bless your offering and gracefully multiply it to you according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”


Donations by bank transfer

Make your donation by electronic transfer or by bank deposit.

These are our bank account details:

Bank: Banco Bancolombia

Checking account #: 04682743281

Agreement Code: 87595

Account holder: Iglesia Filadelfia

NIT: 830074557

Online Donations

From Colombia and anywhere in the world, you can make your donations online through different forms of payment.

Please choose one of the following options:


    *Only for international donations

Donations at the Church building

Come to our Church in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. Find us at Carrera 68 Avenue No. 18 - 49. Deposit your donation in our offerings located on the sides of the auditorium doors.


Please fill the form to make donation
Please do not include points or signs, only Colombian pesos